These manual air spatters are the best thing for inking since, well the airbrush! Push the handle and the ink that you have placed in the little canister blows out. It can be light, medium or heavy depending on the amount of pressure you push the handle with and the distance you are away from your work.. A few passes give a lovely even airbrush-look eveness. Push the handle hard at a closer distance and you get a raw spatter look. It takes only minutes to play and get a feel for what it does. These were custom modified with pigmented inks in mind, like Chiffon, Liquid Dichro, Mermaids or our Holographic Ink. We recommend them for outdoor use with a respirator mask. Must be washed with alcohol when using alcohol inks. We remove the little tube and soak it in alcohol about once a week too.
AIR SPATTER (US about $17.22)